Saturday, 24 November 2012

Preparing For The Big World On Our Own. Post #3

Today I left Louis at his on his own and came back to my mums for a visit, in the hope that Louis will do his chores accordingly and doesn't get us kicked out in the next few days!

But just in case his mind would slip on a few things I made him mini notes on a few household objects, like the washing basket, his computer screen and the towel rail... Like so  

I am also currently re-reading 'Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus'. Since the quick move in with Louis- I am learning new things about my boyfriend that I didn't recognize before the move, and I am struggling with some situations with regards to the difference in  Men and Woman. I think it will be very good prep and I should defiantly have a better understanding of Men before we move into a place of our own. So here are some notes I took from the first chapter of the book. 

1. When I need a rant, let him know that I just want him to listen
2. Afterwards thank him for listening and tell him how much you appreciate it 
3. Offering help to a man can make him feel in-competent, weak and un-loved. Just keep quiet and appreciate in your heart what they are doing, and trust that they can do it.
4. When a man feels like a woman is not trying to improve him then he is more likely to ask for her feedback and advise. But only give when asked
5. Praise him for what he has done, rather than criticize what he hasn't done. 
5. A man wants to make improvements when he feels he is being approached as the solution to a problem rather than as the problem itself. 

We have about 5 months before the house we are currently in gets sold then it's just us, alone, all grown up. Scaryyyyy!!

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