Thursday, 29 November 2012

Preparing For The Big World On Our Own. Post #5


With the move getting closer, I thought that we would need to start considering money saving techniques. So being a fully qualified beauty therapist, I decided to let the wax meet my pubic hair! I figured if I home waxed then this would save on razors. How very clever of me right? 

Now this is the part I should probably mention that I only got trained in 'bikini waxing' and not 'Intimate waxing'- intimate waxing is anything from the pubic bone to the very sensitive skin underneath. I will also add here that the wax you use on your legs is a different consistency to the wax that you need to use on your privates. The wax you need to use on your bits is designed specifically for those areas, to enable a comfortable, SAFE and injure free, hairless pamper. I only have wax suitable for legs. 

Being me. I asked myself, 'what’s the worst that could happen?’ But again being me. 
I learnt the hard way. 

So here's how it went...I parted my legs so that I was straddling a magnifying mirror for maximum visibility. Mirror in place, I then realized that my body was creating a shadow on my fanny, making it difficult to aim the wax in the correct destination. Taking extra precaution in this risky demonstration, I employed a lamp and angled it to illuminate my Pum! I then went through my mental check list:

1. Tested the angle in which the hair grows - CHECK
2. Legs parted wide enough so I don't end up gluing my fanny closed for life - Now this is pretty serious, and after considering the lifelong implications I adjusted accordingly and balanced on my tip toes to get a wider spread. - CHECK
3. Enough Lighting - CHECK 
4. Wax is at the correct temperature - CHECK 
5. Prepared for the agony - CHECK 

Here goes... using one hand, I dipped the spatula into the warm wax ready for application. With the other hand I used this to move my other parts out of the way and pulled my skin taught. In one smooth swooping motion, I created a thin covering of wax on the outside of my right lip. Sticking down the strip and praying for mercy, I tore the strip off with such force, and the pressure from ripping one way and pulling hard in the opposite direction, actually tore my fanny! 

Within seconds it started to drip with blood onto my laminate floor and my legs started to tremble. It was probably the most painful thing that my fanny has ever endured, and has slightly put me off child birth! It wasn't the wax that pulled my skin off which was my initial thought, but it was the stretching and tugging that caused my delicate skin to literally tear the size of 5cm! It was like an opened wound and stung like a bitch. 

For those who would like to know where it tore here is a diagram (might I add this fanny does not belong to me) 

Where I have drawn the blue line this is where my skin tore. 

There are definitely cut backs to make when moving into your first home, but cutting your vagina doesn't have to be one. That's one painful lesson learnt well. 

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Preparing For The Big World On Our Own. Post #4

I had a really nice family orientated evening tonight. Starting with a visit to my Aunties and ending up having an awesome Sunday roast with my Auntie, my Cousins and Phoebe- My cousins 9 Month old baby. 
This is cheeky Phoebe eating her Narna 

I have just read the next chapter from 'Men are From Mars and Women are from Venus' and here is what I think will come in handy to know when me and Louis move out. 

Men go to their caves and Women talk

  1. To feel better Men need to go into their caves to solve problems alone
  2. If I am stressed or need a rant call a friend. Louis will just try and offer solutions and this is not what I need. If I want to talk to Louis then just tell him I need him to listen
  3. Let him take as much time in his cave as he needs- don't pester him (even if his way of releasing the tension from the day is into a computer game)

Saturday, 24 November 2012

That Christmassey Feeling. Post #2

Just a few more days to go before the 1st of December- this is when the real Christmas stuff begins. But I thought I would just give Louis a few more tasters of what is to come in the following month. So here are a few more of my festive treats to Louis- hoping that he would get that Christmassey feeling... 

I brought this cute Shabby Chic Garland and hung it on his window to go with the window snowflakes 

I had this made for us and he really liked it and said that we could put it on the tree every year  

I personally love a Mince pie with hot Custard but he wasn't impressed as he doesn't like them. But he did make this one for me so that kind of counts ;)

Preparing For The Big World On Our Own. Post #3

Today I left Louis at his on his own and came back to my mums for a visit, in the hope that Louis will do his chores accordingly and doesn't get us kicked out in the next few days!

But just in case his mind would slip on a few things I made him mini notes on a few household objects, like the washing basket, his computer screen and the towel rail... Like so  

I am also currently re-reading 'Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus'. Since the quick move in with Louis- I am learning new things about my boyfriend that I didn't recognize before the move, and I am struggling with some situations with regards to the difference in  Men and Woman. I think it will be very good prep and I should defiantly have a better understanding of Men before we move into a place of our own. So here are some notes I took from the first chapter of the book. 

1. When I need a rant, let him know that I just want him to listen
2. Afterwards thank him for listening and tell him how much you appreciate it 
3. Offering help to a man can make him feel in-competent, weak and un-loved. Just keep quiet and appreciate in your heart what they are doing, and trust that they can do it.
4. When a man feels like a woman is not trying to improve him then he is more likely to ask for her feedback and advise. But only give when asked
5. Praise him for what he has done, rather than criticize what he hasn't done. 
5. A man wants to make improvements when he feels he is being approached as the solution to a problem rather than as the problem itself. 

We have about 5 months before the house we are currently in gets sold then it's just us, alone, all grown up. Scaryyyyy!!

Friday, 23 November 2012

Preparing For The Big World On Our Own. Post #2

We are homeless! Well not far off.
We are currently living with Louis' Dad but they are not getting on too well and defiantly have different standards of cleanliness when it comes to the house. Well to be honest i think we all have different standards of cleanliness compared to Louis. 

Hygienically speaking he gets a 10 out of 10 and showers about 8 times a day- slight over-exaggeration. He is so up there in the scales of personal hygiene that he even gets on my case about showering. Its not that I don't, but sometimes I want to stay in my pj's all day, leave my hair in a mess and not brush my teeth. FEEL THE FUR! FEEL THE FUR! (on my teeth, not anywhere else :|)  

But when it comes to the house he leaves clothes every where and just fails to do his allocated jobs, which his Dad really doesn't appreciate and doesn't take lightly. 

So at the moment my daily routine consists of watching Louis like a hawk making sure that he picks up after himself, so that we actually have a roof over our heads. I'm going back to mine for a few days as of Sunday so lets just hope that Louis gets the point by then, or I will come back to both mine and his stuff on the front drive.

That's the annoying thing about moving in with your boyfriend to their parents house, he fucks up and we both get kicked out. Bloody Terrific! 

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

That Christmassey Feeling. Post #1

Louis is currently at work, and like a little EARLY elf on a mission to spread the Christmas spirit I have ordered these cute little window snowflakes! Plus I have bought some mini Yankee Christmas candles to make the room feel all cosy! I think he will love them and hopefully they will make him feel a little Christmassey. But if these don't give him that feeling then I have a lot more up my sleeve!

Preparing For The Big World On Our Own. Post #1

Plan: To stay at Louis' parents house until we have saved up enough money to then move into our own place. 

With the plan in our heads we then decided that we should probably start preparing ourselves for living without parents. So we decided we would start with cooking. Here are some pictures of what we have cooked so far... 
Veggie Curry 

Veggie Fajita's (that's Louis) 

Veggie Spag Bol

Homemade Pizza (bought the base)

Veggie Bangers and Mash

Sunday, 18 November 2012

My New Life

Lately I have struggled to write and for a long time I couldn’t quite put my finger on why this was. I have more time on my hands with being un-employed, I am the happiest I have been in a long time and at least one thing happens a day where I think 'I should probably write about that'. But it just wasn’t happening. Then it hit me- I realized that I didn’t want to write about past events, catching people up with what happened with my Summer and my EX, and that actually, I don’t want to force myself to walk my stubborn feet along that long road called memory lane. No. I want to write about my new life, and where I am at now. So yes there will be a gap in this blog, but you know what I don’t care. So here is my New and now...

I have a new boyfriend called Louis, except that he isn’t actually that new to me as we used to be together when we was 15. He was my first love and when we broke up after 6 months I was left mopping around like a lost puppy for a good few months after. The thing is, he lives far away and at 15 and 16 years old the long 3-4 hour train journeys where proving to be a struggle and costly, so the distance got the better of us and he broke it off.

A few months ago I saw on his facebook that he was single and as was I, so feeling a bit confident I thought I would give him a text. It read something like this.
"What you doing?"
It couldn’t have been a more romantic conversation starter ;). But luckily he replied and after some chatting we met up. It went really well and even though 4 years had past nothing had really changed between us and our feelings came flooding back.

So now we are back together and to fix the long distance it made since to move into his parent’s house with him. I have spent a lot of time with boys before but living with them is really something else, and sometimes it proves to be very INTERESTING.

The other night I woke to a strange feeling of being alone and when I looked to the side of me it seemed that Louis had disappeared. It was half 4 in the morning and I knew he came to bed when I did hours before, so I went on a search for him. I walked across the landing and opened his bedroom door (we sleep in the spare room- double bed) to find my night time wanderer of a boyfriend sitting at his computer, bolt upright-yet fast asleep, with porn playing on the monitor and his knob in his hand. I softly spoke out his name and he woke startled, then looked down at his hand wrapped around his knob with the same look of confusion as I had when I first entered the room. I took his hand (the vacant one) and lead him sleepily back to bed. If that’s not love I don’t know what is.

So other than the random disappearing acts in the middle of the night, the constant pile of washing left on the bathroom floor, waking up to the smell of fart, remnants of baki sprinkled over my belongings, scraping his skids of the toilet bowl, driving like James Bond to drop him off at work when he sleeps through the alarm and sitting on his piss when he "forgets” to lift the seat- I love my new life. Even as gross as it can be living with a boy it is one of the best and most fun things I have ever done, and you actually begin to love them for being so gross!

When we was a couple before we didn't end up spending Christmas day together and each spent it with our own families. It wasn’t a very fun Christmas as I really wanted to be with Louis the whole day. With Christmas coming up again we were so excited that we get to spend it together. So in the morning we will be with his mum, for Christmas lunch we will be spending it with his dad and then we will drive to mine to spend the rest of the afternoon and night with my family. Three Christmas' in one day!

After a recent conversation Louis admitted that he hadn't felt 'Christmassy' in a long time so this year I am making it my mission to bring back that excitement of Christmas into his life. Plus I love Christmas so it should be pretty easy :)